Thursday, December 28, 2006

Who are you?

There really are only a few days left in 2006. Everyone knows that when you are a kid time goes so slowly. Like a road trip to our family cabin at age 12... sitting in my seat with my Walkman and headphones, desperately trying to remember not to sing out loud. When all of a sudden, Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block starts belting out "Please Don't Go Girl" and I lose control. It seems that almost simultaneously as the song escapes my lips I feel a jab in my arm and the headphones being ripped from my ears. It is of course my own fault, I should know better than to sing in a car with 14 year old and 16 year old brothers. And unfortunately for me, my mother agrees that it is my own fault. There is nothing as insensitive as asking a 12 year old girl to sit in silence for and hour and a half. These were the days that sped by like molasses. Nothing was done fast enough. We were never there yet. And I had two brothers who knew exactly how to push the buttons of their impatient and short tempered little sister.
Now you would think that 14 years later this young woman would have grown up and out of this stage of impatience and irritability. After all, days at 26 fly by so fast that we just want to dig our heels in the ground and skid along just to slow them down a bit. I know I would give anything for a slow-like-molasses day. Instead I look to upcoming High School reunions, wonder how someone who was in 8th grade when I graduated high school could possibly be in grad school now, and watch another brother start his 30th year on this earth.
2007 is almost here and I still remember watching Back to the Future in 1985, thinking that in 2015 we would be in flying cars and I would have a hover-board. The world has changed, my friends have changed... have I changed? I know that I have changed in a way. But there has to be something that never changes. I am still me...
In the fall of 1995, I began a class called World Civilizations with Mr. Bazan as my teacher. He began the class saying, "Who are you?" One student would say "I am Eric." Mr. Bazan would reply "I didn't ask your name, I asked who you are?" This would go on with people replying with things such as "I am a student" "I am a girl" "I am a football player" No one ever really gave an answer that seemed to satisfy the question. I think that I have an answer now... There is something that never changes. Something that I can't change about myself even if I want to. I am still me... But who am I? I am a child of God.

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