Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Homosexuality in the Church (in response to Reinke's

I wanted to confess to you... I gossip about people who consider me their friend, behind their backs. I swear and have taken God's name in vain... yes the G-D has escaped my lips. I have been drunk many times. I do not do what I ought to show God's love. Should I go on... or is it already too much information? Trust me... these are not easy things to say, especially to an audience of my peers in the church and those who look to me as a leader in the church. However, I think that this is the first step in looking at the messy topic of homosexuality in the church.
Far too often people are arguing for or against homosexuality by quoting and arguing about the biblical witness. We look to scientists to give us answers as to whether homosexuality is a choice or a genetic trait. Many who are "pro-homosexuality in the church" want to prove that there is nothing "wrong" with the lifestyle of these individuals. On the other hand many who are "anti-homosexuality" want to prove that their lifestyles are sinful, "wrong" and not worthy of the grace and love of Jesus Christ as long as they live in sin.
Now believe me I can quote just as many scripture passages as anyone that supports the claim that homosexuality is a sin, according to scripture an "abomination." I can also make arguments that each one of those passages are meant to be read as part of a whole message that tells the story of all people living in sin and all people in need of salvation. The problem with this attitude is that whichever "side" of the issue I take, that is how I am looking at the scripture.
We, the church, must re-learn to take the side of Jesus, and not sides in an issue. And... it seems clear to me that Jesus was on the side of love, mercy, grace, justice, truth and hope. God's justice and God's mercy are wrapped up in this crazy little thing called grace. Only it is no little thing. Grace is what makes life unfair. Grace is what makes all of those people around us who have sinned against us... Who are not as nice as us... Who don't come to church or volunteer as often as us... Grace makes these people beautiful in the eyes of God.
Jesus' side is that He would rather die a painful death on a cross than watch us live in sin and broken relationship with God. That He knew we can't do this on our own. Jesus said "let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." When the adulterous woman was caught, Jesus showed mercy upon her because we ALL need mercy and forgiveness. However, I can't just end the conversation with the statement that we all need forgiveness, and we are all sinners... for Jesus did not leave it there. Jesus says to the woman "Go your way, and from now on do not sin again." There is mercy and forgiveness for the repentant heart, but the repentant heart wishes to change and not sin again.
So this leaves us with the dilemma... if homosexuality is a sin (as biblically it is)... and a homosexual person does not wish to refrain from practicing their sexuality... then how can they truly be repentant and a follower of Jesus? Well, I leave you with this... I began this blog with a confession. As Christians, the most we can do is to look within ourselves and confess our sin that we can own. Why are we always trying to point out the sins of others? Does this make our place in God's kingdom more secure? Does it help to build community in the church? I agree that we can be resposible for holding one another accountable in the church, but when accountablity turns to judgment, criticism and hate... our overzealous, jealous natures have turned our best intentions into sin.
If we could learn to lose control of the judgment of others and trust the creator and savior of the universe to judge creation, perhaps we could find a community that is based upon drawing one another into the purest, most selfless and true love we could ever imagine. Look in yourself, confess your sins, let go of the desire to confess the sin of your neighbor, trust God to be the judge and learn to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength... and love your neighbor as yourself. For this is what Christ has commanded.

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