Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My first day on the blog...

Benadryl is one of the most amazing inventions. While clearing my head it has also made it foggy in a completely different way. I suppose that a bit of clouded judgement might make my first blog for The Deep a little interesting!
So speaking of clouded judgment... what is it that we blame for our clouded judgment when we are not taking benadryl? When we cheat, lie, steal, hate, lust... are we so stuck on making excuses for our actions or do we take responsibility, remembering our brokenness, and humbly repent asking for forgiveness. For that matter, what does it mean to be broken? Does it mean that we were created perfect and now now we are not perfect? Now... stay with me for a minute... If we, humans, were created perfect, and now we are less than perfect, wouldn't that mean that now we are less than human?
Lets try this on for size. We are not broken as individuals, but instead, we have broken our relationship with God. For our relationship is less than it was intended to be. We were intended to find our identity and wholeness in God. Because our relationship is broken we now look for our identity and wholeness in others. We desire affirmation and acceptance from our neighbors instead of being content with ourselves as God has created us. No wonder we struggle to compare ourselves and want to be better than others as opposed to loving and showing compassion towards others.
Lets remember this Christmas season what "sweet baby Jesus, layin' in the manger" represents; he is the God who became one of us, who walked and talked with us, who died for us... who saved us. Jesus is the good news that God is calling, God is nagging, God is jumping at the chance to restore that relationship. God selflessly wants us. Period. God wants us. If we could just stop making excuses for our clouded judgment and humbly repent (turn around), we could fall into the open arms of a loving, selfless Lord who wants us. Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Deep Thoughts by Karen said...

I wanted to give credit where credit is due... My special thanks to Donald Miller, who inspires with his thoughts from "Searching for God Knows What." He says much of what I want to say with great clarity and the help of a publisher. Thanks Don... and if you find yourself at my blog, Want to have coffee? Dinner? get married? :)